Tag: May Is Bike Month

Thomas Edison walks the talk

Students at Thomas Edison Language Institute celebrated Bike to School Day with a whole lot of walkers, as well as some bicyclists, scooterers, and skateboarders. Two walking school buses were organized, gathering students along the way from northeast and northwest of the school. Students were greeted by staff and parents, as well as district partners Safe Kids Sacramento and WALKSacramento. Incentives such as bike key chains, lights, and pencils were provided by WALKSacramento, Safe Kids, May is Bike Month, and Safe Routes to School. 

Edison will continue offering Walk+Bike Wednesdays through the end of the school year, with walking school buses that are led by parent volunteers, and greeting and recognition at school for all students using active transportation, whether with they join the walking school buses or on their own. The school welcomes additional volunteers for the walks.  

Scooter from the Air Quality District will be attending May 24th to cheer to students in. 

Fourth and fifth grade students are receiving bicyclist education lessons currently, in the classroom and on-bike, and second grade students just completed the “Crossing the Street Safely” lessons. Lessons are provided through the district’s Safe Routes to School program, using school and district staff and specially trained bicycling instructors. 

Mariemont excels on biking

On Bike to School Day, about 200 Mariemont students (out of 600) rode their bikes or walked, scootered and skateboarded to school. Mariemont always has a high bicycling rate, and it excels on these special days. Incentives for bicyclists were provided by SACOG’s May is Bike Month program. PE Specialist Christine Stephenson was the lead organizer of the event, with help from parents, staff, and students. 

Kingswood bikes

Kingswood had a ton of fun at Ride Your Bike to School Day! Each rider was entered in a drawing for “I love my bike” t-shirts and bags. The proud winners are shown above. 

They also received prizes such as slap bracelets, key chains, bike reflectors, bookmarks and bike lights. Walkers all received bookmarks about bike safety. To top off the fun the whole school will be completing Bike to School crosswords and word searches today with the hope that next year we will double our riders.

Bicyclists signed our poster and completed a graph to see which grade level had the most riders.

It was a great day!

[information and photos from Nichole Harshbarger, teacher at Kingswood K-8 School; incentives were provided by SACOG’s May Is Bike Month program]